At the other end of the spectrum where we talk about Misty’s untimely death, is new life. And boy, do we have new life! Since January 2020, we have had 50 new lambs, 4 new calves and unexpectedly, 7 new kittens. We welcome new life in all forms
This Is the season when we begin to think seriously about more new life: breeding season. The rams are set to go in with the ewes by the middle of September. Since we are trying to cut back or at least maintain and not grow our flock, we will only have 3 breeding groups this year; moorits, recessives and pure whites. Typically we allow the rams to be with the ewes for 3 cycles, which adds up to about 60 days. Sometimes, if we’ve not seen any activity for a week or so, we call that time short, 50 or 52 days. Due to age and energy levels, we do not want lambing to go on and on and on. In our area we know a breeder who puts her rams in mid August and doesn’t pull them until the beginning of December. That’s 3+ months. That equates to having lambs from January to May. Our attitude is, if they are not bred by the end of 60 days, so be it. They are open for that breeding season.
Because this has been such a crazy year, we have not sold as much breeding stock as we usually sell. We did have some lambs head back east, but not in the numbers of seasons past. Of course, this was a particularly good lamb crop. We have worked hard over the last 20 years to produce exceptional Romney. It would be sinful to send such beautiful Romney ewes and rams to the auction to be human or dog food. We made the hard decision to keep those animals here to feed out to sell as yearlings. So come spring we will have some wonderful animals for incoming sheep breeders to start their flocks; or for established flocks to use Tawanda Farms breeding stock to improve their flocks.
I will be posting pictures of the retained lambs as they grow and new lambs as they are born. I will also get out and take pictures of our beautiful new Murray Grey calves. There will be more new calves in the spring.
Exciting, new life abounds!